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Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.

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Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my

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Rest for the Stressed V : My Cup Overflows

1 Sep 2018 0 Comment Randy Maxwell
Rewind to Psalm 23:5. When the shepherd and his flock reach the summer ranges known as tablelands, the shepherd must prepare the pasture. This involves...

Rest for the Stressed IV : Shadowlands

15 Aug 2018 0 Comment Randy Maxwell
On Sabbath we continued our journey with the Shepherd through the 23rd Psalm, and took a turn through the Shadowlands of verse 4. Rewind to Psalm 23:4. This...

Rest for the Stressed III : In Paths of Righteousness

28 Jul 2018 0 Comment Randy Maxwell
“Which way should you go from here? That depends a good deal on where you want to go.” That was the question that started our journey last Sabbath as we...

Rest For the Stressed II : He Restores My Soul

21 Jul 2018 0 Comment Randy Maxwell
On Sabbath we continued our journey through the beloved 23rd Psalm asking the question: if the Lord is our Shepherd and there’s nothing we lack, shouldn’t...

Rest For The Stressed I : The Lord is My Shepherd

14 Jul 2018 0 Comment Randy Maxwell
Whatever happened to hope? This was the question that launched our new summer teaching series last Sabbath entitled “Rest for the Stressed.” This series...

Jesus Rising

2 Jun 2018 0 Comment Randy Maxwell
Don’t get so fascinated with the apocalyptic scavenger hunt that you lose sight of the object of the hunt—Jesus Himself. That was the main take-away from...
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