Sermon Archive
The best sermons compiled by us and
by experienced speakers
Rest for the Stressed V : My Cup Overflows
Rewind to Psalm 23:5. When the shepherd and his flock reach the summer ranges known as tablelands, the shepherd must prepare the pasture. This involves...
Rest for the Stressed IV : Shadowlands
On Sabbath we continued our journey with the Shepherd through the 23rd Psalm, and took a turn through the Shadowlands of verse 4. Rewind to Psalm 23:4. This...
Rest for the Stressed III : In Paths of Righteousness
“Which way should you go from here? That depends a good deal on where you want to go.” That was the question that started our journey last Sabbath as we...
Rest For the Stressed II : He Restores My Soul
On Sabbath we continued our journey through the beloved 23rd Psalm asking the question: if the Lord is our Shepherd and there’s nothing we lack, shouldn’t...
Rest For The Stressed I : The Lord is My Shepherd
Whatever happened to hope? This was the question that launched our new summer teaching series last Sabbath entitled “Rest for the Stressed.” This series...
Jesus Rising
Don’t get so fascinated with the apocalyptic scavenger hunt that you lose sight of the object of the hunt—Jesus Himself. That was the main take-away from...