12-22-12 – Sabbath Morning Service

Sermon: “Out of The Matrix” by Pastor Adrian Petreaca

To Enjoy High Definition, make sure HD is blue in the video

Special Music: “Lo, How a Rose E’er Blooming!” by Renton Men’s Chorus

To Enjoy High Definition, make sure HD is blue in the video

Special Music: “Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring” by Chanel Treadwell

To Enjoy High Definition, make sure HD is blue in the video

Special Music: “Butterfly Waltz” by Chanel Treadwell

To Enjoy High Definition, make sure HD is blue in the video

Special Music: “Joy To The World” by Chanel Treadwell

To Enjoy High Definition, make sure HD is blue in the video

Special Music: “The Birthday of a King” by Renton Men’s Chorus

To Enjoy High Definition, make sure HD is blue in the video